General Membership 2nd MONDAY of the MONTH, SOCIAL @ 6 pm, MEETING @ 7pm
Signed in as:
Founded in 1932, Sons of The American Legion exists to honor the service and sacrifice of Legionnaires.
S.A.L. members include males of all ages whose parents or grandparents served in the U.S. military and were eligible for American Legion membership. Members of The American Legion, American Legion Auxiliary, and Sons of The American Legion comprise the Legion Family, which has a combined membership of nearly 3 million.
All male descendants, adopted sons, and stepsons of members of The American Legion, and such male descendants of veterans who died in service during World War I, and December 7, 1941, to date, as set forth in Article IV, Section 1, of the National Constitution of The American Legion, or who died subsequent to their honorable discharge from such service, shall be eligible for membership in the Sons of The American Legion.
There shall be no forms or class of membership except an active membership.
Sons of The American Legion Squadron #97 Annual Dues:
Member: $20
Duel Member: $15
Junior Member: $10
The Sons organization is divided into detachments at the state level and squadrons at the local level. A squadron pairs with a local American Legion post; a squadron’s charter is contingent upon its parent post’s charter. However, squadrons can determine the extent of their services to the community, state and nation. They are permitted flexibility in planning programs and activities to meet their needs, but must remember Sons of The American Legion’s mission: to strengthen the four pillars of The American Legion. Therefore, squadrons’ campaigns place an emphasis on preserving American traditions and values, improving the quality of life for our nation’s children, caring for veterans and their families, and teaching the fundamentals of good citizenship.
Join us for the Sons of the American Legion General Membership Meetings, held on the first Saturday of every month at 10:00 AM.
The SAL Youth Drone Program offers youth in San Tan Valley hands-on experience with drone technology, integrating STEM education, skill development, and community engagement. This initiative aims to inspire and empower young people while fostering community pride and connection.
Have any questions about the Sons of The American Legion please let us know.
5764 East Hunt Highway, Florence, Arizona 85132, United States
Squadron 97 Constitution & By-Laws (pdf)