General Membership 2nd MONDAY of the MONTH, SOCIAL @ 6 pm, MEETING @ 7pm
Signed in as:
Donations will be going to Veteran service center; job services, clothing services, financial aid, Banner health and safety clinics, Legion Baseball, American Legion Law Enforcement Career Academy, Boys State, scholarships, Auxiliary programs, VA Benefits guidance, emergency funds for veterans and family and maintenance of center/post home.
Two ways to donate:
For questions contact the designer at either her email or her Facebook
If you’ve wondered how you can monetarily support Joe Foss American Legion Post 97 it’s very easy to do without spending any additional money.
With the Fry’s Community Rewards program each time you use your Fry’s V.I.P. Card, a percentage of each purchase will be donated to our Post.
If you are already enrolled in the program it is time to update your account.
How to Enroll or Re-Enroll for the Fry’s Community Rewards Program
If you have enrolled or re-enrolled correctly, you should see a green box with ‘Your enrollment in the Community Rewards Program has been updated. Thank you for participating!’ You will also see the information listed under ‘Community Rewards’ on your Account Summary page.