General Membership 2nd MONDAY of the MONTH, SOCIAL @ 6 pm, MEETING @ 7pm
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American Legion designates an “Honor Guard” as a unit that provides funeral and/or graveside ceremonies in conjunction with the local funeral home. This unit may perform all aspects of the ceremony if no active military personnel are available, or at the funeral director’s request after consultation with the family. The ceremony would consist of flag folding & presentation, playing of taps, and a rifle salute. In most cases, there will be active duty military available for the flag-folding ceremony and the playing of taps. The active duty unit will provide the ceremony commander or leader. The Post provides a Rifle Squad Commander and three to seven riflemen. The Post also provides flag bearers for the American, POW/MIA, Military Branch, and Legion colors.
A military Rifle Volley is often confused with a 21-gun salute, but by name, a 21-gun salute is reserved for the President, Chiefs of State, and Foreign Dignitaries.
The rifle volley fired at military funerals comes from traditions dating back to the Civil War when two opposing sides would momentarily cease hostilities and allow each other to honorably collect their dead and wounded. After clearing the battlefield, one side would fire a rifle volley to announce their completion. After the opposing side was finished, they would fire a rifle volley confirming they were ready to resume battle, and then a third volley would be fired to acknowledge the end of the cease-fire.
The firing team can consist of 3, 5, or 7 riflemen, each firing a series of three shots simultaneously, also known as volleys. This signifies the service member has been properly cared for and can be honorably laid to rest.
The song Taps has a history dating back to the Civil War but was never originally intended to be used as a funeral ballad.
July 1862, General Daniel Butterfield and his bugler, Oliver Norton, composed a new bugle call to replace the current French call "Extinguish Lights." General Butterfield felt that Extinguish Lights was too formal and military sounding. He wanted something smoother, something more comforting and emotional that could be used to honor his men after a day's battles. Butterfield, who was known for making distinct bugle calls for his own troops, wanted his soldiers to know that everything is safe and secure for the evening and not to worry about being attacked because there were guards watching over them. This allowed the soldiers to rest peacefully as they went to sleep each night. Today, Taps is used to Honor our fallen service members and our veterans to signify that they can forever, Rest in Peace.
The funeral Flag Presentation has its origins in the Napoleonic Wars when flags were used to cover the bodies of those who died on the field of battle. The history of presenting the casket flag to a fallen veteran's next of kin is less clear, but it is a profound, solemn tribute to the deceased and an enduring symbol of America's appreciation for their honorable and faithful service. With the exception of treasured memories, precious few keepsakes are available as a visible reminder of service to the country. It is with this motivation that the flag is folded, prepared, and presented with great respect and dignity, to be left in the care of those who remain.
In its final triangular shape, reminiscent of the tri-cornered hat worn by American patriots during the Revolutionary War, the folded flag represents great sacrifice and warrants the dignity and respect earned by all who sacrificed for freedom.
We participate in community activities, such as Memorial Day, Independence Day, and Veteran's Day parades and ceremonies. We also Post Colors for various events.
We partner with local schools and Boy Scouts for veteran-related projects and events, such as National Anthem ceremonies and the Posting of Colors.